DLE Classroom/School Resources
The following classroom/school resources are available for download to display in Gómez & Gómez Dual Language Enrichment (DLE) classrooms and schools. The labels provided are intended to assist you and are not an exhaustive list. You may label many other items in your classroom. There should be a minimum of 20 items labeled in each DLE classroom. Items labeled in your DLE classroom should be reviewed with your students in the Language of the Day (Monday/Wednesday/Friday: Spanish and Tuesday/Thursday: English).
If not already red or blue, it is highly recommended to print these labels on colored paper:
(RED = Spanish / BLUE = English).
Instructions: Click on each link below (located in red boxes) and print PDF files to display in DLE classrooms and schools.
If not already red or blue, it is highly recommended to print these labels on colored paper:
(RED = Spanish / BLUE = English).
Instructions: Click on each link below (located in red boxes) and print PDF files to display in DLE classrooms and schools.
- DLE Classroom Label Lists -
- DLE Classroom Labels -
Print labels that are not in color on either red or blue paper (Red = Spanish / Blue = English).
- General Classroom Labels -
- Language of the Day Signs -
The Language of the Day (LOD) signs (Spanish & English) should be used daily in the Gómez & Gómez DLE Classrooms. The LOD sign should be posted outside of the classroom door announcing the LOD for visitors, school staff, and students. It is a good idea to assign one of your students as the "LOD Helper" for the week to announce the LOD and to flip the sign accordingly.
- Language of the Day Phrases -
The LOD phrases were developed and donated by the Fort Worth ISD as a resource for "monolingual' staff in supporting campus-wide implementation of the LOD component in the Gómez & Gómez DLE Model. The LOD not only develops student vocabulary in both languages, but also validates both languages across campus.
- Student-Generated Alphabet -
Students create student-generated alphabets appropriate to grade level in each language.
- Interactive Word Walls -
Teachers are to create robust interactive words walls in each language appropriate to grade level populated with high-frequency and student-generated words.
- Bilingual Learning Centers (BLCs) -
The Gómez & Gómez DLE Models engage students in Bilingual Learning Centers (BLCs) in each subject area, designed to reinforce rigorous instruction and increase vocabulary development.
- Cognates -
Cognates play an important role in a dual language enrichment education since a large majority of content-based vocabulary tend to be cognates. Students' recognition that cognates exist aids in their "biliteracy development" across language and content vocabulary throughout the program. The following extensive list of cognates was developed and graciously donated by the Dallas ISD as an instructional resource to support all Gómez & Gómez dual language schools.
- Dual Language Weekly Focus -
The Dallas ISD also shared a series of documents referred to as "Dual Language Weekly Focus" that are designed to provide opportunities for schools/districts to engage all staff in discussions and deeper learning of the key components of the Gómez & Gómez DLE Model throughout the year.